Am Tag der Forschungsdaten in Bremen am 18. Juni 2024 werden wir auch einige Beiträge und Workshops anbieten:
9:00 – 10:30 Uhr - Workshop 1: Digital Humanities – Introduction, Data Sources, Exercises | Dr. Manfred Nölte
This workshop starts with an introduction to typical data sources and methods within the Digital Humanities. In a practical part, various exercises (such as full text downloads, text analyses, evaluations and visualization of results) are carried out. Different free software tools are used to illustrate application scenarios for Digital Humanities. The application of language models and transformers in the digital humanities will also be discussed. It is recommended that participants bring their own notebooks. The tools can be installed in advance. Instructions will be given early on. Participants can also bring their own data and questions for discussion if there is sufficient time.
11:00 - 12:30 Uhr - Workshop 2: Economic Research Data - Needs, Sources, Current Developments (in German) | Dr. Uwe Staroske, Dr. Manfred Nölte
This workshop is dedicated to the increasing importance of economic data and its analysis. It begins with a brief introduction to data sources and methods. In a further section, the needs identified by the scientific community will be described. There is a consensus that the availability of economic and social science data in Germany lags behind that of many neighboring countries in terms of quality and quantity. The consequences are manifold: the evidence on which economic policy decisions were based in the past did not come from Germany due to a lack of availability, because not enough data was available. This means that politicians and administrators lack relevant information for their decisions. Researchers in Germany often prefer to work with foreign data on foreign issues.
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Der Informationsstand bietet allgemeine Informationen über die Dienstleistungen der Bibliothek im Zusammenhang mit FDM und darüber, wie die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Institutionen und Informationsnetzen Ihnen helfen kann, die Auffindbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit, Interoperabilität und Wiederverwendbarkeit Ihrer Forschungsergebnisse (einschließlich Forschungsdaten) zu verbessern. Wir werden aktiv an der FAIRness Ihrer Daten mit der Metadaten-Verknüpfungsstrategie arbeiten, indem wir einen interaktiven Spot anbieten, der die Bedeutung von dauerhaften Identifikatoren wie ORCIDs für Forscher oder DOIs für Datensätze hervorhebt und zeigt, wie Sie Ihre Daten in Ihren Veröffentlichungen richtig referenzieren.