Please note: The library obtains databases and full-text electronic resources through commercial licencing agreements that restrict access to current students, faculty, staff and onsite users (yellow circle in SuUB's search engine). To access these restricted resources from off campus, you must identify yourself as a Hochschule Bremen user by connecting to our website using the VPN client. For more information, please consult the webpages of the Hochschule Bremen IT Center.
wiso-net – includes literature references (German publications in particular), covering social sciences and economics, incl. company profiles
Business Source Premier – includes literature references, covering business administration worldwide, includes company profiles
EconLit – includes literature references, covering economics
Proquest Social Sciences – includes literature references, covering social sciences worldwide
ScienceDirect – search journals and books on the Elsevier publisher website
Factiva - fulltext of international newspapers, company and market information
Statista – statistics for more than 600 sectors, data by market-researchers, associations, from publications and government sources
BISNODE Firmendatenbank – German companies with an annual turnover of more than 1 mio € or 10 employees
OECD iLibrary - statistics, papers, books and factbooks published by the OECD
BeckOnline – includes legal texts, commentaries, handbooks from all areas of German law
Internet links
EconBiz – virtual library for economics and business studies, collection of links