Wireless internet access at the Central Library

Wireless internet access at the Central Library (WLAN)

Members of the University of Bremen can access the University's WLAN infrastructure with personal web-capable devices at the Central Library.

Students of Bremen's other institutions of higher learning and members of universities based in other federal states can also access the wireless network at the Central Library if their institution is a member of the EDU-ROAM network.

Regulations for the use of the University of Bremen's data processing systems

To enjoy WLAN access throughout the entire Central Library all you need to do is set up a WLAN account with the ZfN (Center for Networks). Students from other universities are able to use the eduroam access account from their home institution.

Dedicated support and information on how to set up and configure your user account is available from the University's WLAN Team.

University of Applied Sciences

The EDUROAM network is also available at Bremen University of Applied Sciences.

Wireless lan at the university of applied sciences

HS Bremerhaven

WLAN at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Wireless network in Bremerhaven
Opening hours
Bibliothekstraße 9
28359 Bremen

Temporary opening hours:

All sites will be closed on 3 October due to the bank holiday.
Mon - Fri 8am - 10pm
Sat 10am - 8pm
Sun 10am - 6pm (learning space only, no services)

Contact us


Tel: (0421) 218 59500